Re-Activate A Cancelled Membership Account

If your account is currently cancelled, and you are not able to log into your membership account, you will need to re-activate your membership to access the website or mobile app.
To re-activate your cancelled membership, please follow these instructions...
  1. Visit LatterDaily™ here:
  2. Scroll down and select a membership plan. You can choose any plan, it does not have to be the same plan you had previously.
  3. On the Sign Up page, use the same Email Address and Password you were using when the account was active.
    (Please note, if you use a different email address, you will create a new account instead of re-activating your existing account)
  4. Complete the checkout process and you will be logged into the membership automatically.
Once you have completed these steps, your membership renewal date will become the current date of re-activation.

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